Dear Parent or Carer
Welcome to our end of half-term one newsletter. Time has been flying by and it is incredible to believe that Year 7 and 12 have completed their first half-term with us. The school has been a hive of activity, culminating in Open Mornings this week and our Duke of Edinburgh celebration evening. It is great seeing so many students take up such opportunities to push themselves out of their comfort zones and try new things.
We have been focusing this half-term on getting students down to work as soon as entering the room and to systematically check engagement from the start of each lesson. We are hugely impressed how staff and students have committed to maximising every minute of every lesson and as an indication of this determination 14,000 achievement points have been issued across the school this half-term. I wonder what can be achieved next term?
We wish all those going on the Valencia trip this half-term well and we cannot wait to hear about their experiences.
New staff:
Alex Gillespie – Digital Music and Recording Lead
Joanne Holloway - Senior Science Technician
Sam Milnes - Science Technician
Jo Brooman - Learning Support Assistant
The first day back after half-term for all year groups is Tuesday 1 November 2022.
Lastly, we are in the midst of a ‘Readathon’ encouraging students to read as much as possible. In light of this and our desire to maximise the use of here and now in lessons, I offer up a quote from Seneca who asked for each small phrase to be truly considered:
‘Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future’.
Have a great half-term.
Work Hard, Be Kind, Have Passion.
Ed Hillyard