Dear Parent or Carer,
Welcome to this term’s newsletter. It is great to see students and staff being able to share articles of trips and competitions they have been in. Many students share that these experiences bring their learning to life, cement great friendships with others through common interests and help develop their character. We would encourage all students to participate in at least one activity outside of their academic lessons.
We will be welcoming our first Ukranian students starting after half-term, which we are very excited about. Assemblies next half-term will focus on empathy to support these students, but also all students whom may be leading less than straight forward lives. We have a great, caring community amongst our student and staff body, and we will really be emphasising the ‘Be Kind’ part of our school motto.
The Bugsy production was a sell out on both nights and all who watched it really enjoyed themselves, from the matinee to the Saturday night finale. It was great to see those students on and off stage enjoying, but also growing from the experience. A huge congratulation goes to our dancers who competed very successfully at ‘The Great Big Dance Off’. It is great to see how their passion really helped them excel. We look forward to seeing how good they can become by next year! Finally, we are very proud to hear that our Gold Duke of Edinburgh students were called to the Palace to receive their Gold Awards. We have large numbers of students currently doing their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, some of whom will be camping this half-term and we would continue to encourage others to take up these opportunities in the new academic year.
Year 11 and 13 students have embarked upon the first series of external exams since the Summer of 2019. The PE department have been very kind in allowing them to use the new sports hall as their exam venue. This has been carpeted and furnished to provide a comfortable venue fitting for students to perform their best in. We continue to wish our year 11 and 13 students the best of luck with all their exams and thank all our other students for their support moving around the site calmly and quietly.
Wishing everyone a happy half-term break.
Work Hard, Be Kind, Have Passion.
Mr Ed Hillyard, Headteacher