Dear Parents and Carers
This is a brief newsletter to wish you well for the October half-term. I very much hope you are able to have some downtime as a family and that you are able to tune out current events and just have some time together.
Our students have done extremely well this half-term by working hard to get back up to standard with their academic work, by being kind to each other, accumulating a mass of positive achievement points and taking part in a slimmed down version of our usual extra-curricular activities (
There is a selection of events in this newsletter that have taken place and I would like to congratulate all those students who have been involved. I would draw your attention further to the support on the following websites: and which has a section for different age groups on how to keep safe online. Most importantly an open, supportive relationship is the key to supporting children as they navigate sites online.
I would like to thank all our students and parents for making the return to school this half-term so much easier and for just getting on with things. It is great to have a job where you can see the development of the next generation and to know that all will therefore be all right. We have a dedicated and committed Pastoral Team at school should your child need support this academic year. Form Tutors are the first person to contact and they can always access other staff members if needed. If in doubt, please do contact them.
Can I thank parents for encouraging their child(ren) to walk/cycle to school, as the route along Parish Piece is much safer now for our students. If needs be, please pick up and put down away from the junctions on Browns Road, not in the Closes off Parish Piece and if your child is cycling please insist they wear a helmet and have lights.
Have a restful half-term.
Be Kind,
Ed Hillyard