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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School

Pupil Premium

We recognise that the progress and attainment of our students who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding is a benchmark of our success at Holmer Green Senior School. Our primary strategy is to ensure high quality first wave teaching for all students eligible for Pupil Premium funding. Students who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding are a diverse and non-homogenous group of students, and therefore have different needs. At Holmer Green Senior School we have a strategy of bespoke intervention to ensure all our disadvantaged students flourish.

In 2023/24, our Year 11 disadvantaged students achieved a Progress 8 score of +0.39. 

This is significantly higher than the national average for all disadvantaged students (-0.57) and all non-disadvantaged students (+0.16).

The same cohort also significantly outperformed the P8 national averages in English, Maths, and the Open basket subjects.  They performed slightly above the national average in the E-Bacc subjects

Our current priorities are:

1.      Continue to close the progress and attainment gap between disadvantaged students and their non-disadvantaged peers

2.      Improve the quality of teaching for disadvantaged pupils in all areas

3.   Closing the ATL gap between disadvantaged students and their non-disadvantaged peers

4.      Increase the attendance and punctuality of disadvantaged students

5.  Reduce the number and proportion of fixed term suspensions for disadvantaged students

6.      Ensure that all disadvantaged students have access to a broad range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities

 We plan to do this by:

  • Ensuring all teachers are aware of all disadvantaged student’s barriers to learning and employ strategies to diminish them
  • Implementing targeted academic interventions aimed at closing progress and attainment gaps
  • Using NGRT tools to track student reading ages, providing the necessary intervention support when required
  • Using a staged response addressing concerns with attendance
  • Creating a statutory co-curricular offer that is available to all students, regardless of background
  • Providing highly effective counselling services and outreach provisions when appropriate
  • Providing excellent options, destinations and careers guidance to all students

Impact of this will be shown by:

  • Narrowing the gap between disadvantaged students and others in percentage of students making expected progress in English and Maths in all year groups.
  • A continued narrowing of the P8 gap and the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students in year 11.
  • A reduction in the attendance gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students in Y7-11

NB: Pupil Premium funding is not intended to be an individual ‘account’ per student. Schools take an overview of their whole Pupil Premium budget, and the needs of all Pupil Premium students, and implement key strategies to help narrow the gap between Pupil Premium and non-pupil students.