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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School


For Admissions Policies please see our Policy Section here

Year 7 Entry

Our Open Event for September 2025 entry will be on Thursday 3 October 2024 from 5pm to 8pm.  Tickets will need to be booked online - more details to follow.

Year 7 Entry Admission to Year 7 at the beginning of the academic year is controlled by the Local Education Authority. The rules they follow for admission are those detailed in our Admission Policies (please see our Policies page). 

During the final year of primary school, parents receive information directly from the Local Authority about transferring to secondary school. Any enquiries regarding this process should be made to them directly either by contacting the Admissions Team on 01296 395000, or by email:



Sixth Form Entry

For all information on Sixth Form Entry, please see our Sixth Form page (click here)

For further information please contact Mrs Golding, Head of Sixth Form (

In Year Transfers

The online In Year Transfer guidance can be found on the Buckinghamshire County Council website admissions page.

If you wish to apply for a place at Holmer Green Senior School as an In Year Transfer, please complete the form below, get it signed by your child's current school and then return to us.

In Year Transfer Form 

Catchment Area Tool - click here

Catchment Area Map - click here