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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School

Policies (and statutory documents)

Access Arrangements Policy - November 2023

Accessibility Policy - July 2024

Administration of Medicines - September 2023

Admissions Policy 2023/24

Admissions Policy 2024/25

Admissions Policy 2025/26

Attendance Policy - February 2024

Attendance Guidlines

Behaviour and Bullying Policy - December 2023

Charging for External Exams Policy - November 2023

Charging and Remissions Policy - March 2024

CEIAG and Careers Provider Access Policy - October 2023

Children Looked After Policy - April 2024

Complaints Policy - April 2024

Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Feedback Policy - April 2024

Drug Education and Management - February 2024

Educational Visits Policy - June 2023

Equalities and Cohesion Policy - October 2023

Examinations Policy - February 2024

Exams Contingency Plan - April 2024

Freedom of Information - November 2021

GDPR Breach Policy - June 2023

GDPR Policy - June 2023

GDPR Subject Access Request Policy - March 2023 

GDPR Subject Access Request Form 

Governor Visits Policy - February 2022

Grievance Policy - February 2024

Health and Safety Policy - June 2023

High Attainer and More Able Policy - February 2024

Homework Guidance 2021

ICT Acceptable Use Policy - June 2023

Internal Appeals (Exams) Policy - April 2023

Information IT and Cyber Security Policy - February 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Education - Sept 2023

Literacy Policy - February 2024

Mental Health Policy - February 2024

Mobile Phone Policy - March 2024 

Non Exam Assessment Policy - June 2023

Numeracy Policy - April 2024

Pay Policy - September 2023

Preventing Extremism and Guidance for Parents and Carers

Privacy Notice -  2024

Recruitment Policy - February 2024

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy - December 2022

Remote Learning Guidance - January 2021

Remote Learning Policy - February 2021

Safeguarding Policy - July 2024

SEN Policy - July 2024

SEN Information Report - March 2024

SEN Local Offer - March 2024

SEN Provision Map - March 2024

Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) - July 2023

SMSC and Britishness Policy - April 2024

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions - April 2023

Support Staff Appraisal and Capability - 2024

Teacher Appraisal and Capability Policy - 2024

Travel Policy - 2023

Whistleblowing Policy - June 2023

Word Processor (Exams) Policy - December 2023