Exploring Careers and Employability
Earlier this term we celebrated both National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week, with activities and discussion during Form time, subject teachers referencing careers related to learning, and Assemblies with screenings and visiting guest speakers.
During National Careers Week we also hosted some specific events in lessons: Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue took over 2 PE lessons, using real equipment and training techniques to demonstrate the fitness and communication skills required in such a challenging role. A Year 7 Maths groups participated in a practical challenge hosted by BAM Construction. The students had to use their Maths skills to work out volumes, order and cost up materials and labour, and then construct houses to plan out of Lego. The students really enjoyed this challenge, and we hope to run this session again for further KS3 classes.
Meanwhile a Year 10 photography class was inspired by Mr Don Lewis, professional photographer (and HGSS parent) who came in to talk about life as a commercial photographer and how drone photography is being used across a number of Industry sectors, including Estate Management and the Police. It was great to hear from someone so passionate about what they do every day for a living!
We co-ordinated two groups of panel discussions across four PSHCE lessons, with guests from the Services and Business coming in to answer questions put to them by the students about the skills and qualifications required, opportunities in their sector, and their own personal career journeys. We are very grateful to all our guests from Industry who gave up their time to inspire our students about their futures.
Throughout the week the aim was to inspire and inform your children about different types of careers, and the qualifications and skills they might need to succeed. We encourage you to talk about what they have heard during the week and join us in continuing an ongoing dialogue about their future direction.
We believe an important part of preparation for life after school is identifying soft skills and providing inspiration and awareness about different opportunities. Research shows that students with a clear direction are more focused and often perform better in exams, so do please continue this conversation at home.
You can explore Careers at home with your child on our school careers website, e-clips (accessed via mystuff on the https://www.hgss.co.uk/ This site includes information about local and national labour market information.
Other great websites: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/careers
and https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/
or you can find more careers-related resources on our school website https://www.hgss.co.uk/page/?title=Careers+Guidance&pid=1070