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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School

Psychology - A Level

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour. Psychologists study and design experiments to find out what is normal human behaviour and then carry out research into abnormal behaviour. They use the information learnt to address social and personal problems. 

You will investigate a range of topics covering many aspects of human behaviour including eye witness testimony, the effects of institutionalisation on attachment bonds, biological explanations of criminal behaviour and the cultural bias in diagnosing pathological disorders.  The course offers a broad range of topics that lead well into Higher Education and further study of the subject. 

Course content

Year 12

Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, theories, research studies, research methods and ethical issues in relation to the specified Paper 1 & 2 content

  • apply psychological knowledge and understanding of the specified Paper 1  & 2 content in a range of contexts
  • analyse, interpret and evaluate psychological concepts, theories, research studies and research methods in relation to the specified Paper 1 content
  • evaluate therapies and treatments including in terms of their appropriateness and effectiveness
  • Paper 1 & 2 content includes Social Psychology, Memory, Developmental Psychology (attachments), Psychopathology, Approaches and Research Methods

Year 13

Skills gained in year 1 will continued to be enhanced in year 2 by extending Research Methods comprehension and introducing statistical analysis.  Students are required to conduct a small scale piece of research on a subject of choice.  Extended topics for exploration include Forensics, Aggression and Schizophrenia which will stretch written skills of evaluation and analysis.


Exam Board : AQA

Paper 1: Introductory topics in psychology, including Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, and Psychopathology.  The written paper lasts 2 hours and makes up 33.3% of the total A2 marks. Each section includes multiple choice, short answer and extended writing. The exam has 96 marks in total.

Paper 2: Psychology in context, including Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology, and Research Methods. The written paper lasts 2 hours and makes up 33.3% of the total A2 marks. Each section includes multiple choice, short answer and extended writing. The exam has 96 marks in total.

Paper 3: Issues and debates in psychology, Gender, Forensic Psychology, and Schizophrenia.  The written paper lasts 2 hours and makes up 33.3% of the total A2 marks. Each section includes multiple choice, short answer and extended writing. The exam has 96 marks in total.

Head of subject: Ms N Shahbazi

Entry Requirements

Grade 5 in Biology or 5,5 in Science overall, 5 in Maths and 5 in English Lit or Lang

Are you interested in: Why people behave the way they do; Exploring theories to explain behaviour; The scientific processes involved in measuring behaviour?

Leading to a career in: Chartered Psychologist, Therapy (Occupational, Art, Drama, Paediatric, Educational and others), Business & Marketing, Management, Nursing, Police, Prisons, Sports & Exercise.

This subject goes well with: English, Maths, History, Politics, Sociology, Business, PE, Science, Philosophy

Student views

"Psychology has really  helped me to understand other peoples’ behaviour and my own."