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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School

Learning Support and Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP)

Learning Support Department and the ARP are led by Mrs Sarah Wilson, SENDCo. She is supported by a Deputy SENDCo (Mrs da Costa), a Speech and Language Therapist and Assistant, and a team of high quality Learning Support Assistants (LSAs).

Important information is contained in the documents listed below which are available on our Policies page

  • SEN Local Offer
  • SEN Policy
  • SEN Information Report
  • SEN Provision Map
  • Bucks CC Local SEN Offer

The role of the Learning Support Department is to support students to access the mainstream curriculum.  We do this by supporting in some lessons, providing interventions for reading, literacy and numeracy and assessing for and delivering appropriate exam concessions.

Working with students

LSAs work closely with subject teachers to promote effective teaching and learning.  Students are supported socially and emotionally within school with an opportunity for pastoral support.

Working with outside agencies

The school is supported by outside agencies such as CAMHS, the Education Welfare Service, the Occupational Therapy Service, the Speech and Language Therapy Service, Family Resilience, the Specialist Teaching Service and Outreach services.

Working with parents

Parents receive regular updates and packs to enable them to be involved in their child's education. Parents of pupils with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) will have annual review meetings to discuss their child's progress.  Pupils with a SSP (School Support Plan) will receive termly review and target setting information.  Parents may find independent advice and assistance here

Supporting students

Holmer Green Senior School supports full inclusion of pupils with special education needs. The ARPs work with pupils directly to develop their language, learning and social skills by providing:

  • specialist support in mainstream lessons
  • small group and individual Speech and Language therapy 
  • small group specialist teaching
  • mentoring
  • pastoral support

What do we offer?

  • Social communication groups
  • Break and lunch time indoor and outdoor spaces
  • Homework/coursework support
  • Readers, scribes, PCs and extra time for exams
  • Modified work for visually impaired students
  • Small group numeracy interventions
  • Small group literacy interventions
  • Regulation Room
  • Study Room

A student's progress is then monitored and supported by the SENDCo and SEN staff using relevant assessments including reading and spelling tests; additional information may also be collated from teachers' feedback, liaison with outside agencies, parents/carers, observations etc.

Identifying and assessing students

For Year 7 students, we initially consider the information shared by primary school regarding the student's needs.  This process starts at the beginning of the summer term prior to entry to Year 7.  All information collated by the Pastoral Manager, Head of Year 7 and the SENDCo is compiled to form a confidential SEN support document which is then shared with the teachers of the student.  This document contains information on the student's specific learning needs, strategies to support them and any other relevant information that may affect their learning.  The ARP students are given the opportunity to spend an extra transition day in school prior to starting.

Applying for a place

The procedure for applying for a place in the ARP is carried out at the Year 5 transfer review by the primary school.  If you wish to apply for a place in the ARP you must ensure you write HGSS ARP on your application form and this wil be processed by the appropriate Panel  Further information about the application process can be found on the website:

In many cases the SENCo, or a representative from HGSS, will attend the Year 5 or 6 annual review of a student intending the join the school to help to make the right decision about school placement.

Visiting us!

Visitors are always welcome and we would encourage you and your child to have a tour of the school as well as arranging a specific visit to the Learning Support Department.  It would be helpful if you could bring a copy of your child's EHCP and latest specialist reports when you visit.

Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment:

01494 712219