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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School

Results 2024


Sixth Form Results

We are incredibly proud to celebrate the achievements of our Holmer Green Senior School students, who have excelled in their A-Level results this year. Their dedication, resilience, and pursuit of excellence have culminated in a truly successful academic year, and we congratulate them on their hard-earned success.

Star performers this year were many and include: Rozina Ali (A*, A, A), Annabelle Phillips (A*, A, A, A), Jack Kerr (A*, A, A), Ben Labanski (A*, A, B), James Keen (A, A, A, A) and Millie Daines (Distinction*, A, B) to name a few.

At Holmer Green, we believe in nurturing our students to become the best possible versions of themselves, and these great results are a testament to their hard work over the past seven years. Even more important than the grades themselves, are the exciting destinations our students are now heading towards — whether that’s university, apprenticeships, or other fulfilling paths.

Students’ University and apprenticeship destinations this year have included: Bath, Birmingham, Oxford Brookes, Sheffield, Durham, Bristol, Loughborough, Manchester, Southampton and USA.  Subjects studied and apprenticeships awarded have included:  Architecture, Economics, Finance, Law, Engineering, Psychology, Textiles, Veterinary Science and Biomedical Sciences.

While grades play a significant role in shaping opportunities, we encourage our students to remember that they do not define their worth. Each student has demonstrated qualities far beyond what can be measured on paper, and these will continue to guide them in their future endeavours.

For any support or advice regarding university placements or apprenticeship opportunities, our team is here to help. Please feel free to reach out to Mrs Golding for personalized guidance.

Once again, we extend our congratulations to all our students on their remarkable achievements. We are excited to see what the future holds for each of them.


GCSE Results

We extend our congratulations to all our students for successfully completing their five-year secondary school journey and in particular for their resilience and dedication.

We are thrilled to announce that 71% of our students achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades 9-4, including in English and Maths. Across the entire school, an impressive 17% of all grades awarded were between 9-7, reflecting the high level of academic achievement amongst our students. Notably, over 20% of grades in Art, D&T, English Literature, History, Photography, and Religious Studies were between 9-7, underscoring the exceptional talent and hard work of our students, supported by the unwavering commitment of our staff and parents.

For those who have already secured a place in our Sixth Form, at College, or on an Apprenticeship programme — congratulations! If you did not achieve the grades required for a specific course starting this September, please reach out to Mrs Golding or our on-site Careers Advisor for guidance and support in planning your next steps.

We are immensely proud of our students for continuously striving to become the best possible versions of themselves, culminating in these well-deserved GCSE results. These achievements are a testament to the collaborative efforts of students, parents, teachers, and governors. Congratulations once again on your remarkable success, and we look forward to welcoming many of you back in our Sixth Form.